Friday, January 27, 2023

The Plea

 This is a story about sibling rivalry and ending the cycle of abuse. Without a group discussion with guidelines and a process of cooperation amongst contracted and committed individuals, it will have to stand as one lasting perspective left to at person’s willingness to self-process.  The process of family abuse and its trauma can be like that, but it doesn't have to be....


Many of you know Barb. She has traveled the country, trained hundreds of people in diversity and emotional intelligence all in an attempt to relieve her pain, physical and emotional, through the process of unconditional love and acceptance and the cathartic release of her past.

She has done her work, but the cost has been great and stepping away from the cycle of family abuse is getting harder and harder.

In many experiential trainings, during integration, they would reference a story about the Blue Crabs in a Bucket:

A man on a pier is crab fishing. The crabs that he caught are sitting in a steel bucket. The bucket is uncovered. Another man walks up, watches what's going on and ask him why the bucket is uncovered. Won't the crabs escape?  The fisherman replies that if he watches for a while he will see one crab try to escape and the other crabs pull it back into the bucket before it can get out.

It took us many years for Barb to escape the bucket, but the opportunity to get hooked back in is always a risk when dealing with those around you who are unconscious. When we saw all the dynamics of the past coming back to roost,  we realized that we had a choice to break this cycle of abuse once and for all within our immediate family. 

We recognize that we cannot change the overall family dynamic. If they don't see the water that they're swimming in, then there's not a lot we can do except go into protect mode.

At this point Barb is on the edge. Beyond everything else she's gone through including five orthopedic surgeries in the past six years, continuous pain management, and the need to heal she is overwhelmed by the impact of the lack of support from her mother due to her decline in capacity, and the issues of a wounded sibling dynamic that doesn’t see what they have done. 

Barb needs your support.

If significant support comes in it will be used for her healing up to and including:

  • Travel to see her mother wherever she's at for as long as it takes, whenever she can bear it.
  • Travel to see her community in Maryland to seek holistic medical advice and somatic touch healing from her extended family there.
  • Travel to see her mentor(s) and extended family around the country and retreat for the sake of her continued well-being.
  • Continue to reach out to extended family, blood or non-blood relatives, and friends on what her friends have been calling the “Thelma and Louise” tour.
  • If a miracle happens, she would get off of disability and commit to a long-term mission around these issues.

More important than money however, right now Barb needs your support. If you have affinity for this story, send a small donation and, most importantly, a note of support. If you know her and she has had an impact on you in a positive way through her training and team support, tell her how she has helped you.

While the money would certainly help her to get to those places where she can heal, we would really like to see a thousand of her friends and contacts send her support.  

She needs it now.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Setting the Stage


This is a story about sibling rivalry and ending the cycle of abuse. Without a group discussion with guidelines and a process of cooperation amongst contracted and committed individuals, it will have to stand as one lasting perspective left to at person’s willingness to self-process.  The process of family abuse and its trauma can be like that, but it doesn't have to be....


Approximately two weeks after my father-in-law died the group  I now call the Sibling Justice League thought that it was “just” to essentially abuse my mother-in-law into signing away her rights based on the idea that Barb was not communicating with them.  That was a false premise to run on.

The fact of the matter was Barb was communicating to her co-power of attorney at every step of the way and he was to communicate that to them because he was part of the group and she was not.  She had left the group because they wanted to continually argue for compliance from a thousand miles away.

That he did not or that he filtered it through the sibling groupthink and not as a Co-Power of attorney was, we believe, a probable cause leading to this.  That, and their frustration at their inability to bring their sister back into the crab bucket of common sibling experience and groupthink so that she would comply with their demands.

In the aftermath of all that it really gave us some time to think and to talk to other people and what we realized was that:

  •        These sibling rivalry issues occur all the time, affecting families and elderly people in their time of need.
  •        These issues have a root cause, probably based in childhood at the dinner table or within the family dynamic of each household. What is the foundational experience that leads to the power dynamics within the sibling group?
  •        There really is no book describing this dynamic and so there are very few solutions other than preparing for it, expecting it, and providing tools and guidelines for the future.

4.      Without some outside help we can start to expect that the family may not recover from this even after the elder generation is gone unless everyone comes back to the table and asks the question “what happened?

Looking at it through Jungian group dynamics and transactional analysis we can start to look at multiple cases of this dysfunction and try to find common generality, commonality, potential causes, and possibly look towards solutions for the future.

As we said before for some of us it may be too late but if we could look at it and document it and prepare the next generation for when it's our turn to transition and what it looks like for them, then maybe we can leave them with some hope even after this personal disaster....




Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Beginning of a Story, maybe a book...

This is a story about sibling rivalry and ending the cycle of abuse. Without a group discussion with guidelines and a process of cooperation amongst contracted and committed individuals, it will have to stand as one lasting perspective left to at person’s willingness to self-process.  The process of family abuse and its trauma can be like that, but it doesn't have to be....


The Context

This is a story about sibling rivalry and ending the cycle of abuse. This is also a story about my wife Barb, who for the past 30 years has been trying to strive beyond that and commit to a mission of loving service to her family and her community.

Barb is a disabled woman. When I first met her she was walking and taking care of two nieces left at her house by their mother, but by the time we got to college she attended classes in a motorized wheelchair and taught me how to filter my frustrations about that and how to see her as the loving person that she is. She got a total hip replacement so she could walk down the aisle when we got married in 1990.

She chose to be a Montessori teacher for a time until she went back on disability, is a mother to two beautiful children, and she tries to be the best Aunt or Tia that she can be.  When I chose sobriety and started my journey of healing, we found that doing process work relieved some of the continuous physical pain that she was in. Cathartically letting go of the past allowed her to do all the other things that she loves to do.

That path allowed us to find a diversity mission based in Claude Steiner's love-based process of emotional literacy and transactional analysis psychology. For 20 years we traveled the country leading trainings of up to 20 people at a time and took on co-leadership of a global multicultural council.  We are still doing that work today independently with permissions from the parent  organization.

Here is the point: Every single group that I've seen her in she shows up with all of her heart. Arnie Mindell wrote a book called “Deep Democracy” that looked at group dynamics as a body. Each person in that group represents a part of the body as a whole. In every group I have seen her in, she has represented in many ways the heart of the group. Empathetic love, tough love, she was there giving us what we needed to try and move forward. That is her gift. That is her leadership.

Her family dynamics never quite caught up with that...

The Issues

During this time we also took legal custody of a nephew that needed a home. We moved into a bigger house to provide the boy a room and tried our best to make him feel at home but the previously mentioned family dynamics and sibling rivalry were always at play in the background. The committee committed to help the mother get better so she could finish raising her child. That never happened. 

We raised him until he turned 18 and went back West. In many ways the boy was influenced by others to not feel as welcome as we would have liked. That is working itself out with time but there are quite a few regrets there. Life is like that.

At this point Barb's parents asked her and one of her older brothers to be Co-powers of attorney for them as they planned their transitions.  Like many of us plotting our later lives her parents wanted to die at home. They asked two of their children to commit and lead in that effort and support them. The assumption was that the brother would take over the finances and Barb would be there with them to deal with health issues. How it worked out was different. 

Because the brother was out of town and well into his career and life she wound up having to do it all. By the time her father passed away last year she was in control of their money and their health needs because the brother just couldn't be there. She did advise her co- power of attorney every step of the way as was her responsibility.  

The Group

At this point we need to talk about the nature of the other siblings and the group that they created. Even though the group claimed and strived to be democratic, sometimes the nature of democracy is that some people have more rights than others and some people have more access than others. Even the nature of justice is different and groups that evolve into borderline autocracy.  Throw in the dysfunctional behaviors of the able-bodied to disabled and it becomes a difficult dynamic.

With respect to her parents they wanted to control what they did, what they ate, and what Barb did.  The nature of a power of attorney didn't necessarily allow that so they used insults, infantilization, and sideways remarks when they didn't get their way. Essentially if their idea was not sustainable then she really couldn't commit to it, and she was doing her parent’s wishes, not theirs.  At that point, because of all the micro aggressions and overt insults she stopped communicating with the group and assumed that her brother would pass on all information to the group as he had empowered them in the first place.

The eventual impact was that one of her sisters convinced her mother to sign a secret power of attorney and she would continually contact the caregivers, the doctors, and start to take control of the situation behind Barb's back.

Barb 's father passed away in February 2022. 

Within 2 weeks, during her mother's grieving period, and behind Barb's back the siblings had her mother sign a new POA giving the group control and taking her off any responsibilities at all from the document.  Her mother was blind and did not see what she was signing. She certainly didn't know that she was signing away Barb's right to support her mother, but after the fact and subject to the same kind of pressure inherent to the family abuse they all experienced, her mother did not want to change it. Her mother knew she was lied to but she accepted it in order to keep her peace while grieving the loss of her husband.

Barb took that opportunity to take care of herself, grieve, and travel.  She watched as the group made certain mistakes, including leaving her mother alone during periods of time at the house, tried to help but was served certified letters for her to disengage. 

This Christmas it was announced that her mother would be moving into her sister’s home across the country, that the car promised to her would be going to the elder sister, and that the home would be “given” to her younger brother.  The original will divided assets equally.  We knew this was coming. But herein lies the impact:

The sibling rivalry group based these actions on making Barb “The Other” so that they could convince her mother or pressure her mother to take their side.  Her mother is blind and really has no long term context for what she says, believes, or the impact that she is having on who was once her confidante and protector.  She has said that she wishes she would die before they take her away.  

Conscious or unconscious elder abuse is another dynamic that ought to be considered, but the legal path forward is murky because her mother has accepted that the mob should rule in matters of her life and care at this point.

more to come.... 




The Plea

  This is a story about sibling rivalry and ending the cycle of abuse.  Without a group discussion with guidelines and a process of coopera...